The Fellowship.

Name: Zeion Zalos.
Race: Humen
Class: Mage
Age: 30.
I grew up in a village to the south east from goldshire it was called Eloran.
I lived with my parents I was their only child.
When I was twelve our city was attacked.
My parents were killed, when the city burned, a lot escaped but some where killed.
Orc?s where everywhere, slaughtering and burning everyone and everything they could.
But most of us where out of the city when the orc?s arrived.
I was with a friend, that?s why I survived and my parents didn?t, I couldn?t find them in time.
But at some point we where separated, we where headed for Stormwind, I haven?t seen him for 18 years, I am afraid he was claimed by the orc?s.
When I reached the city of Stormwind I began undergoing training to become a mage, that is what I am today, my parents raised me with good moral, and the ability to seen right and wrong picking the right choice, I will not dishonor them, but my mind and body has been filled with rage for 18 years, I will not rest until I see the race of orc?s wiped of the face of the world Azeroth. Im Mostly a loner, my path has been the path of a lonely soul for many years, but overtaking and destroying the world of orc?s I cannot, I am not powerfull enough yet, even to take them out with help, but I will be powerful enough one day to get revenge over my parents and my friend but help I?ll need, destroying the world of orc?s will be a conquest for not one but many. I?ll need to gather a fellowship to stand by my side as we take out this disgusting, pathetic race, we will wipe out the orc?s from the world of Azeroth, no one likes them they are a common treat, and enemy to all of the alliance, to find help for my mission should not be difficult.
I will one day have my revenge.